Kodak T-MAX P3200 TMZ 135-36 B&W Print Film (Single Roll) Exp. (09/2020)
Film Wholesale
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Fresh dated (10-2019)
After 5 years of "darkness" for high speed black and white film emulsions, Kodak has proclaimed the end of the "Dark Ages" and onward to the "Film Renaissance" with the rebirth of one of the most unique films on the market!
KODAK PROFESSIONAL T-MAX P3200 Black & White Negative Film ⁄ 3200TMZ is a multi-speed continuous-tone panchromatic black-and-white negative film that combines high to ultra-high film speeds with finer grain than that of other fast black-and-white films. It is especially useful for very fast action; for dimly lighted scenes where you can’t use flash; for subjects that require good depth of field combined with fast shutter speeds; and for handholding telephoto lenses for fast action or in dim light. It is an excellent choice for nighttime photography.
Features and Benefits:
- KODAK T-GRAIN Emulsion
- High to Ultra High speed
- Fine grain
- Superior sharpness
- Maintains subject detail in prints higher degrees of magnification than conventional films